Best No Regrets Tattoo 2011

You can get a no regrets tattoo only when you have made a thorough research of the tattoo you want to ink. Since a tattoo is a means of expressing your personality and personal tastes, it needs a lot of attention and forethought before making it a part of your body. You should think about getting a tattoo which can transcend time and which you will be proud to show off even after years of inking it. Many people however, tend to get a tattoo on the spur of the moment after seeing it on someone else’s body. Soon after, they regret getting the tattoo as it does not suit their mood or temperament. All they want is to remove it as soon as possible.
Getting a no regrets tattoo can be important as it rules out the expense and the pain of getting the tattoo removed unnecessarily. You can ask yourself a few questions before you get a tattoo to help you rule out the possibility of regretting it later. Find out the reason why you want the tattoo. Is the tattoo a remembrance for an event or just for the sake of looking trendy and stylish? Tattoos usually reflect your mindset and add substance to your beliefs. It should have a great relevance in your life and not just be inked because others do it.
NYou will be able to get a no regrets tattoo only when you think of getting a design which will look good even after a decade. For example, if you get the name of your boyfriend inked across your face or arm and then fall out with him, it will only lead to embarrassment. You have to get rid of the tattoo as soon as possible. The tattoo also should not be very intricate with closely woven lines as the skin tends to stretch with time. When you age or put on weight, the skin will stretch and the tattoo will look terrible. Also, the tattoo lines will tend to run with time. Hence it is advisable to get tattoos which will look good for a very long time.


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